School was cancelled for Madeline yesterday due to the heat and part of the air conditioning system not working in her school. Of course we decided to make something. Making something for us can go one of two very different ways: Cooking and baking or crafting. Since we were pretty stocked in the kitchen department we went ahead and picked the crafting route. A sweet Grandparents Day greeting card doubling as a hug complete with her handprints! We all know how I love handprint crafts.
That sweet girl of mine has fallen head over heals for giving love to the people in her life by filling up their mailboxes. Most crafts lately revolve around creating something to send to a cousin, aunt or uncle, or a grandparent. I love it. She decided to craft a little something for her three cousins, three of her grandmas, an aunt, four friends, and two grandpas. I told you she likes to mail things. I need to buy a case of forever stamps. For the sake of time and mess limits we whittled the list down to one set of grandparents. Grandparents Day is quickly approaching after all. I promise the rest of the list of recipients can expect something in the mail from Miss Madeline, and probably sooner than later.
A hug in the mail. What could be better than that?
Supplies needed to make a hug greeting card
- Colored paper
- Markers
- Scissors
- Pencil
- Ribbon
- Heart stencils (optional)
How to make a heart greeting card
1. Trace both left and right hands on a piece of colored paper. Carefully cut the hands out.
2. Using your heart stencils trace three hearts. Alternately if yo do not have heart stencils you can either freehand draw them or cut a paper folded in half into a symmetrical heart. We used two different sized hearts, but the sizes and shapes are up to you.
3. Cut two slits, one on each edge, of both handprints, and the hearts to create slits to thread the ribbon through. I drew the lines with pencil and then cut the slits using a knife and cutting board.
4. Write a message on the hearts. Madeline opted to write “Here’s a happy hug! I love you!” on her large heart and “Nana,” and “Umpa,” on her small hearts. (Nana and Umpa are what we call Luke’e parents).
5. Cut a length of ribbon of about 30 inches give or take a bit. Starting on one end tread hearts and hands onto the ribbon so that the ribbon is behind each piece of paper. The shapes should be threaded on in this order: hand, heart, heart, heart, hand. This i what makes it look like a hug. Leave a few inches of ribbon on each end to tie everything off.
6. Flip the card over so all the writing is facing down. Taking one end of ribbon pull it across the backside of the handprint and tie it onto the ribbon just on the inside of the handprint.
7. Fold up your card, put it in an envelope and send it to someone you love. I bet it will be one of the best things they find in their mail box that day.
Do you give gifts and cards for Grandparents Day?
I love your handprint idea for grandparents. I recently did rainbow hand print cards for our grandparents and they worked out really cute too (check mine out here: . I’ll keep your craft in mind for our next mail out!
Thanks! Rainbow handprints sound like a cute idea.
That is SUPER Cute.. and being a grandmama… I would love to get one of those handprint cards.
My grownup DD likes to be retro and send out cute hand crafted cards too so here’s to hoping your little one won’t grow out of it either! 
So clever and cute! I can think of a couple dozen people to send these to
So cute. I suck as a parent. I never had my kids celebrate Grandparents Day *hangs head in shame*
I love the idea of mailing a hug. This year we are holding a kids holiday party for the families of my husband’s unit. I think we are going to do this as a craft, the kids be able to mail a hug their grandparent or to a parent that is currently deployed. Thank you for such a great idea.
Kara, sending a hug sounds like the perfect craft for your party. Thank you for stopping by and sharing that with me. Thank you to your husband, you, and your family for your service.
[…] used this cute idea from Evolving Motherhood to make paper hugs to send to our grandparents living far away. Their […]
[…] -MarkersStep 1: Get your kid to trace both their left and right hands on the piece of construction paper. Cut them both out.Step 2: Do the same for three hearts—trace or free draw three hearts on the paper, two small and one big.Step 3: Cut two horizontal slits on each edge of both hand prints and the hearts to thread the ribbon through.Step 4: Thread the ribbon through the cut outs so it’s behind the shape. The shapes should be threaded on in this order—hand, heart, heart, heart, hand. Knot or tie off the ribbon at each end.Step 5: Write a message on the back side of the middle heart, fold it up and put it in an envelope. The final step is to put it in the mail!Idea inspire by […]
[…] A Crafty Way to Mail a Hug to Someone You Love […]