I have a thing for personal development books. I kind of always have. A couple of Christmases ago a friend gave me You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Living an Awesome Life along with the You Are a Badass Day-to-Day Calendar. I devoured the book marking dozens and dozens of quotes, ideas, and thoughts worth coming back to on dozens of pages. Strips of post-it notes now make a brightly colored fringe up and down the side of the book. I sat aside calendar sheets who’s words touched me, which end in a big pile of square calendar pages on my desk as the year came to a close.

This particular book is not the only one. I have a number of books that I come back to. Along with random notebooks with quotes scralwed on random pages or whole notebooks with lists of wise words found in the pages of the books I’ve read, from the mouths of podcasters I have stumbled upon, from the pages of blogs poured onto the screen from the hearts of bloggers I adore.
Words catch me. I find I surround myself with thoughtful quotes. Things that remind me of my plans, my hopes, and help me maintain my footing when life feels shaky.
Recently, in the middle of the rough waters of 2020 I have found wisdom in Untamed by Glennon Doyle and Brené Brown’s podcast Unlocking Us,
Words soothe me. Wisdom acts as a balm, or a lift, a gentle boost, or sometimes a big wake up smack.
What are your favorite sources of wisdom right now? Where are you finding words that reach out and grab you?