If you’re not growing you’re dying.
Driving from one errand to another, the podcast played in bits and pieces over the car speakers. A few minutes of listening. Park the car, run the errand. Back in the car, a few more minutes of listening on the way to the next stop. It’s true, I’m a little late to the party, it’s taken me a while to get into steady podcast listening. I have a whole library of podcasts I subscribe to, however I tend toward podcasts about personal growth and health.
I want to hear people talk genuinely about how they have grown as a person. How are brains and bodies work is truly fascinating to me. I want to dive into gratitude, mindfulness, and motivation. This probably surprises no one who happened to notice the name of this particular internet space. Evolving Motherhood. I have always carried a deep down desire to move forward, grow, and learn. I’ve always felt like I can be and do better. Moreover, I believe in potential.
Honestly, I do not have a lot of time to listen to whole podcast episodes from start to finish. The pause button is my good friend. In other words, I sneak in bits a pieces of podcasts when I can. It’s in those bits and pieces that those ah-ha moments can strike. So in the moments between my stop at the gas station and the warehouse store or amidst the shuffle between home and the office. It was in a moment like this that I heard the words that had me shaking my head and I instantly looking inwards.
If you’re not growing you’re dying.
It was one those podcast moments I love the most. The reason I listen to podcasts at all. For the ah-ha moment. The moment I find myself scrambling for a pen and paper or the note taking app on my phone so I can write down the words that just made me do an auditory double take.
Words that I’d honestly probably heard before made me pause and look inward. If you’re not growing, you’re dying. Yes, on the surface it sounds a little dramatic, but when you really sit with and think about it the truth starts to hit you.
Have I been growing? There is no stagnating. There is no maintaining, really. In nature, our bodies, our minds there is only growth or fading. Growth and evolution are always a part of my life, sometimes more than others.
In the spirit of evolution and personal growth here are some podcasts for personal growth and health that have given me lovely ah-ha moments. Cause to take note. Inspiration for self-reflection. Maybe you will walk away from them with some ah-ha moments too. If you have a moment to leave a comment, shoot me an email, or message me on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook I would love to hear your favorite podcasts too!