It’s a new year right? I mean the calendar turned from 2015 to 2016. Usually around the end of the year I start getting the itch to think about new and different, change and evolution. This year. Meh. We’re 5 weeks into 2016 and I have no “three words” to guide me. Not even a single word. I don’t even have a goal. Last year as Luke and I sat watching pop stars we’d never heard of perform on new year’s eve countdown shows I decided I wanted to set my sights on a particular goal. I decided to work on my strength and do a pull-up for the first time in my life. I honestly am not sure what made me think of it. It seemed like a pretty focused goal, but in reality it was pretty wide reaching. Doing a pull-up would mean making my body stronger. I was going to have to visit the gym regularly and ultimately make time for myself. I reached that goal and by the end of the year I could do four (4!!!) pull-ups. Not just one.
I also used that goal to help focus in on a word for 2015. Strengthen. I wanted to strengthen my body, my relationships, my mind. It all came together on New Years Eve without much planning or thought.
As 2016 approached I thought for sure a goal or a focus, or a word of some kind would appear to me. Even as January days passed into weeks and the weeks turned the calendar to February nothing came. I’ve just felt content. I feel good with where I am. I feel good with who I am. That felt good to say so I’m going to say it again. I feel good with where I am. I feel good with who I am. I’m good.
I’m someone who strives for personal growth. I have my sights set on continued learning about the world, the people around me, and myself. It’s who I am. Evolving Motherhood is a product of that. This year there is no specific set words to guide me, no big goal. 2016 will be about continuing on the path. Being me. Living with contentment. And it feels good.
Did you set a goal or resolution for 2016?