It was haircut night for me last night which means that it was also my night out of the house by myself. I usually have my haircut scheduled for the last slot open so that I can feed Luke and Monkey and then I head out for a little bit of pampering and me time.
After the hair cut I hit the town. Sometimes I go to a bookstore and ogle books, sometimes I head to Target and do some quality wandering without having to chase Monkey around and stop her from pulling every piece of clothing off of every rack. Other times I hit up one of our many local coffee shops and hang with my laptop all by myself.
I like the me time I get in those couple of hours. Even though I miss bedtime with Monkey and relaxing with Luke, every once in a while I just need to be out of the house surrounded by a ton of other people that I don’t have to say a word to. I like the time to just be alone in my head.
Last night the laptop and I head to a coffee shop with wifi and a patio to hang. I had my ear buds in listening to Andrew Bird, who as you will remember me mentioning I love, and I was enjoying every single second of the night.
Until… two ladies seat themselves at the table next to me and then proceed to light up their cigarettes and smoke like chimneys for the next hour. About 45 minutes into my “me-time” the rain starts coming down. Honestly it wasn’t the rain that bothered me it was the guy that seated himself at MY table instead one of the others that were also covered by the awning and proceeded to hit on me over and over and over again. Um, besides the fact that I have a ring on a certain finger and ear buds in my ears which automatically signal that I don’t want to talk, how many times do I have to give you short, curt answers while barely looking away from my computer before you will get the point? Yes, I am happily married thanks, now go away!
Anyways, by then my battery was on its last legs so I packed up and headed home. I should have just come home and relaxed on my newly finished patio, where there are zero smokers and the only guy hitting on me would have been the same guy I wake up to every morning.
Maybe next time I head out for some Catherine-only time I’ll just stay in my car, at least the crazies won’t be able to get to me there.
I really am a nice person, I promise…just don’t mess with the few minutes I get by myself for Pete’s sake!