Wind. It is one of those things that I am honestly not a fan off. Spring and Fall in Colorado are sometimes a windy affair. Wind and weather both start with the letter W. Even though I don’t enjoy wind I do like the letter W. Why no throw wind and weather together and talk about windy weather while having fun with paint and the letter W?
The fun of this letter activity is that the children get to pretend like they are the wind and see how powerful air can be. They also get to use paint in different way all while spending some time with the letter W.
Supplies needed for W is for Wind Activity:
- construction paper
- drinking straws (one for each child)
- washable paint
- marker
- paint cups
- glue (optional)
- glitter (optional)
How to Make W is for Wind Activity:
Step 1: Draw an uppercase and lower case W, in block letters, on a piece of construction paper. One for each child.
Step 2: Give each child a small amount of paint in paint cup along with a straw.
Step 3: Have each child dip their straw into the paint. Holding the paint dipped straw an inch or so above the paper have them blow through the straw. Blowing through the straw will cause the paint to blow around the paper. If there are drips of paint on the paper have them hold the straw directly over the drip and blow.Make sure to explain that the children are only to blow through the straw and not to suck through it!
Optional: You can add a bit of glue and glitter to the paint before giving it to the children blow on their page to add a little sparkle to the windy Ws.
OH I just know Oscar would love this. He is so into painting right now. And straws. Thanks!
Cool and so creative