This morning Monkey and I went to the gym. After giving her a handful of times to make sure she would be fine with me dropping her off in the…
Evolving Motherhood
There is an interesting fundamental difference between my husband and me. It is pretty accurately illustrated in the following pictures of the schedule we have been trying to put together…
Sometimes the only thing that will make it better is a hug from your daddy. I just love how they love each other. Watching them together makes my little heart…
We had a blast on our two snow days. Luke worked from home but we were still able to take some family time and play in the snow followed up…
I have mentioned our Netflix subscription and how it helps to spark interesting events in our house before. Generally Luke and I add movies we will both enjoy to our…
I took the plunge and joined a gym this week. When I walked in to take a tour and the techno dance music was pumping I felt like running for…
I am relearning patience at the hands of my two year old. Here I was thinking that after my 26 years of living I already had a pretty good handle…