When I started this little corner of the web six months ago it seemed like a no brainer that I would use a nickname for my daughter in place of…
Evolving Motherhood
Excuse Me, Ladies? You seemed to have missed a spot. Oh, and when you are done there I would like you to make sure to clean the toilets, dust and…
So I just finished up my NCAA Men’s Basketball bracket. I bet you didn’t know I was a big college basketball fan. Well, I’m not. But I am a fan…
It is a great thing to grow up knowing you are loved. It is also a great thing to grow up and know that there are people in the world…
Yesterday Monkey had her 18 month check up. She had to get… dun dun dun… shots. Interesting thing was she didn’t care at all when it can to actually getting…
When I gave birth to a girl I thought I would never have to deal with sagging pants and such. Apparently I was wrong. Oh, well at least her little…