I checked the warning tag on my blow dryer tonight. It doesn’t say anything about not blow drying your hair while your toddler is in the room.
So I am thinking I could sue the manufacturer of my blow dryer, because they clearly should have warned me that operating a machine extremely blowing hot air at my head is a bad idea while attempting to keep an eye on my daughter.
I totally fried off a chunk of hair…right on top of my head in the middle of my part. It feels like I might have burnt my scalp too. I mean seriously I have this chunk in the middle of my part that looks like a mini-buzz cut.
Maybe no one will notice.
Maybe I can turn this into millions. I mean due to their negligence in not warning me I am going through a lot of pain and suffering. I’ll be rich and when people ask how I got to be so well off I’ll tell them it’s because my first husband was filthy rich and very old and I just got done fighting his children in court for what is rightfully mine, which is way more respectable than getting rich through suing a hair dryer manufacturer.
Maybe I should just learn my lesson and hog tie Monkey while I am using a curling iron or blow dryer so that she can’t get into my make up and draw all over her face and clothes…ha, that isn’t likely as this is not the first time I have singed off a chunk of my own hair or burnt my self due to being distracted by Monkey…it’s just in the most obvious spot this time.