From my to do lists, to the laundry, to the kiddos to play dress-up, back to the to do list, to the laundry, to the bedroom, back to the kiddos for some puzzles.
I spent the day running in circles preparing myself for my first trip away from Luke and Maddy. I am getting on a plane and flying on my own. No lugging a car seat through security. No juggling all of Maddy’s, and Luke’s, snacks while simultaneously dragging what seems like half our worldly possessions behind me in a cheap rolling suitcase or two.
I am going to miss them, but I am excited. The hours between Denver and Baltimore seem like a welcome rest time. I am positive that I will thoroughly enjoy sitting on my booty immersed in books without Maddy, or Luke, interrupting me every 3 minutes, or every 30 seconds for that matter.
Luke is not really a talker, but as soon as I pick up a book all he wants to do is talk, talk, talk, about things that mean absolutely nothing to me. Does seeing a book in front of my face suddenly spark a dozen conversation topics in his brain? It seems so.
No Luke, I don’t want to talk about the increased horsepower in the new BMW. Could you please tell me about that random billboard you saw three weeks ago some other time? Also, I don’t really care which TVs Consumer Reports gave the highest ratings to either.
Seriously, it makes me batty.
Tomorrow I’ll have an assortment of books and magazines to read through without the constant fear that I am just about to be interrupted. Yes Ma’am, I am living the high life.
I made a handful of lists today and even though I woke up this morning in a panic because I had completely procrastinated I am going to bed tonight feeling quite calm because I totally over reacted this morning. Traveling is so much easier when I don’t have to worry about my kids oops, I mean my kid and my husband.
I won’t have time to go to the gym tomorrow, or the whole weekend for that matter but the upside to freaking out and running around like a crazy woman all day unnecessarily is all those extra calories I scorched. Obviously I planned it that way, or something.
She is cute, but I am looking forward to only having to look after my own snacks.
1 comment
I know, it's been years since it was just me I was packing for and not the whole family – I have my tidy little suitcases and my new book (Laurell K. Hamilton)ready, heading to the airport in a few minutes – WOO HOO Bloggy Boot Camp!