I guess it hasn’t really been a debate but more a conversation about toys in relation to gender. I think toys have been on my mind so much because of Monkey’s impending second birthday. We spent part of our morning in Toys ‘R Us playing with toys all over the store and I walked away wondering if toys companies or parents are responsible for the ridiculousness filling the toys store isles.
Why does a tricycle need to be pink and purple? Why are trucks and cars meant for boys and doll strollers and play kitchens for girls? Why in the world would there need to be a pink child sized Hummer, or I guess I child sized Hummer at all?
I previously asked if toys should be gender specific but I failed to even think about toys that in theory are not gender specific yet are made to be by toy manufactures, for apparently no reason. Thanks to Em for pointing that out to me and thanks to Toys ‘R Us and Target for reminding me this morning. Also thank you to all of you who participated on the conversation, I really do love hearing your thoughts even when they do not coincide with my own.
Yes I have a daughter but I would love for her to grow up surrounded by the full rainbow of colors, not just the 2 that have been deemed “girl” colors. I would also like her to experience whatever interests her not just fake plastic make-up, cheerleader and princess outfits, and purses. (Admittedly I love purses but I can also throw a ball, drive a car or truck, and use a hammer, all things that are marketed to boys.)
What is the deal with toy kitchens, shopping carts, miniature ironing boards, and baby dolls? There is not anything wrong with these toys in theory but can someone please tell me why they are all located in the “girls” section of the store? I might do all of the grocery shopping but Luke is also there with us every week, and yes I do cook our meals but that is because I enjoy it, I do know several men that do the majority of their households cooking. Or how about Bats, balls, trains, and cars? Why are these toys located in the “boys” section of the store. Or even better why on Earth are there “boy” sections and “girl” sections at all. It drives me crazy that toys are only marketed to one gender or the other when they should be marketed to both.
Am I making too big a deal out of this? Maybe this all comes back to my strong belief that as a mother it is not my job to tell my daughter who she is and what she should be but to listen to her when she tells me who she is and what she will be.