Every 2 years I get a burst of inspiration in the form of watching crazy talented athletes from around the world do things my body has never even thought about doing. I can’t even ski down a bunny hill let alone a crazy steep mountain through fog and snow.
Watching these people, who have obviously worked so hard, excel at what they are doing always makes me want to set goals for myself. Luke likes to get in on the goal setting action too.
This year however, we have refrained from any goal setting, which is probably for the best since I have yet to touch a tennis racket despite my goal of learning to play tennis and Luke’s dreams of doing handstand push-ups are no closer to fruition even two years after setting our goals while watching the Beijing Olympics.
Maybe I should renew my goal of learning to play tennis, but honestly I have something else in mind that doesn’t include any sweating. I’m thinking my goal this Olympics should be to promptly turn off my TV after the closing ceremony and forget how much I have enjoyed sitting on my butt with laptop and warm tea in hand and Luke and Maddy cuddled up next to me, all three of us intently watching the TV.
Yep, I set high goals don’t I?
1 comment
Good goal! We have loved the Olympics around our house too.
And speaking of tennis, my kids are all dying to learn how to play, out of nowhere. I may indulge them this summer and see how it goes.