Everytime I go to write something about Maddie Spohr I can’t seem to make my fingers and brain get their act together and write something. As a mother my heart…
Evolving Motherhood
My husband decided to help me clean up the house this morning. I did not even ask him to help. I went upstairs to clean up Monkey’s room and when…
Arts & CraftsEvolving KidsEvolving MotherhoodHolidays
Is Egg Dye the New Finger Paint?
by Catherine April 11, 2009Monkey had her first Easter egg dying experience last night. I would say it went fairly well for an 18 month old. The Lesson. Things Started off fairly smooth, and…
My favorite flowers. My favorite morning beverage. My favorite electronic device.Life is good. For more ATWT visit Jen. Bliss – A Thousand Words Thursday was last modified: September 19th, 2012…
I recently have be struggling with an addiction and I think it is time for me to come clean and start the recovery process. No it’s not what you are…
Often times bloggers use their blogs to vent and get things off their chest and maybe get support from others. I get the need for this. Everyone has down times.…
Luke, Monkey and I spent the afternoon running a few errands and checking out a few stores. I love doing this with Luke because we take turns keeping an eye…