In honor of Thanksgiving I thought I would share some of the things I am thankful for, but I am not going to do the norm. I am of course thankful for all the normal stuff…My family, friends, my home, etc. And of Course those things are important but that would be too predicable so this weeks 5 is about five other little things that I am thankful for.
1. The Internet. Oh, wonderful interwebs how I love thee. I spend so many of my days with a couple of toddlers all by my lonesome but and your super powers come through to my computer to help me stay sane.
2. My Coffee Maker. Without my yummy warm cup, or two, of coffee I would not be nearly as alert, or friendly, or functioning really.
3. Sunflower Market. Double ad Wednesdays…twice as much on sale…can I get a hell yeah!
4. Coupons. I love to find a good bargain, I love to walk out of the grocery store knowing a paid a fraction of the actual total! It is such a high to pair up a coupon with a sale price and walk out with free stuff!
5. Dark Chocolate with almonds. Need I say more!?!