So I have a 2 year old, but said 2 year old has not yet had her party. That big event happens this weekend. We have lots of friends and…
Evolving Motherhood
Pure Catherine
At least I haven’t tried to walk out of the house right?
by Catherine September 19, 2009My poor husband. I am not sure how he deals with me. You see I am a sleep walker/yeller/talker/mover/poker. Yep, that is the actual name of my condition. Okay it…
September 16th is a special day in the Evolving household. On September 16, 2007 at 3:51pm I officially became a mommy,and Luke officially became a daddy, and this little bundle…
It is Saturday morning and we don’t have anything that needs to be done today. We don’t have anywhere that we need to be. We have a weekend filled with…
I guess it hasn’t really been a debate but more a conversation about toys in relation to gender. I think toys have been on my mind so much because of…
I did in fact pull on my wedding dress yesterday. The dancing around the house portion of yesterday’s post is still just a maybe. It all started when I decided…
Cleaning my closet might have just turned into me dancing around my house in my wedding dress. Maybe. I Feel Pretty Oh So Pretty was last modified: September 19th, 2012…