My wonderful husband has been sick for what feels like an eternity. I know that in reality it has only been about 2 1/2 weeks. Okay really he was well…
Evolving Motherhood
This week has been a little…rough. Monkey has decided that she doesn’t need to sleep. Ever. Usually she takes one nap mid-day and then goes to bed for the night…
Evolving Motherhood
Would You Just Sit Still? – A Thousand Words Thursday
by Catherine January 29, 2009I hope that some day I won’t have to trap her against the wall just to put her hair up. For more ATWT visit Jen at Cheaper than Therapy. Would…
Some crazy lady ran into the back of our car a couple of weeks ago. It didn’t cause any major damage but enough that the bumper needed some TLC. So…
I have had a hard time finding a decent sippy cup for Monkey. By hard time I mean we have gone through 5 different types…before finding a good one. One…
Followers. I don’t know of a blogger that does not like having followers. Readers. Friends. I know I like having followers. There is something special about knowing that a fellow…
Since today is Sunday and Sunday = grocery day in my house I have a grocery related item or two to discuss with you. Mean Grocery Store Lady Update: I…