I have a few questions… 1. White on a toddler really? Have children’s clothing designers ever had children?2. Why do people think that white is the perfect color clothing to…
Evolving Motherhood
Remember last week when I told you about The Man Cold that had taken up residence in my house? Well, as a result of the colds running rampant through our…
I’ve mentioned in the past that I have no willpower and I have a bit of a sweet tooth and that there are certain times (monthly times) that my sweet…
In honor of Tuesday Whitt and her family Luke, Monkey and I participated in the virtual wagie ride being hosted by Lee and Em. We couldn’t be at the official…
I live by the list. You could say that I am one of those organized people who organize their days around as list of things to do. You could also…
Evolving Motherhood
Risky Fashion Choices – A Thousand Words Thursdays
by Catherine February 3, 2009She is very fashion forward, don’t you think? I am sure we’ll be seeing “the colander” on the runways in Paris, Milan and New York next season. For More ATWT…
I’m thinking about Tuesday today. Tuesday Witt. To be honest I have been thinking about Tuesday a lot in the couple of weeks since I first heard of this beautiful…