It always seems like weekends fly by in the summer. There are Bar-B-Ques to attend, graduation parties, farmers markets, yard work and the occasional camping trip.
Camping. Luke’s family has a cabin in the mountains a couple of hours from where we live. We love it. usually sometime in April we try to sit down with our calendar and mark out the weekends we are going to try to go up. We do this in April because otherwise our weekends start to fill up leaving almost no time for the required cup of hot chocolate to start the day,
Well, I looked at the calender today and it’s June. June. Did you know it’s June? What happened to May?
Of course we haven’t even had the chance to think about going up to that little 100 year old, one room place of ever flowing relaxation. Usually we shoot for once a month. Twice if we can swing it.
So after I got over the shock of seeing “June” instead of “May” I started looking at when we might be able to make it up there.
Wait, this can’t be right. Mid-July? The summer is half way over by mid-July. Oh, and mid-July works only if Luke doesn’t end up having to travel for work, then it could be the end of July or beginning of August.
Oh, man I am already stressing about the summer going by too fast and technically it has not even started yet.
Maybe if I close my eyes really tight, click my heels together and say there’s no place like the cabin, there’s no place like relaxation, there’s no place like the cabin, I will open my eyes and see something like this…
Well, that didn’t work. I’m still sitting at my kitchen table looking out at a backyard full of work to do.