Sometimes things just don’t come together right.
Sometimes days just don’t work out the way I planned.
Take today for instance. It was not my worst day on record and really it wasn’t all that bad but I can’t help but feel disappointment when I think about it.
I couldn’t get myself out the door on time this morning and our exciting plan of playing in the fountains for playgroup were dashed when for some reason the fountains were not running today.
My pizza dough refused rise and at the last minute I realized that I had used the last of the mozzarella a few days back. Sometimes I suck at things that I usually kick butt at. Why is that?
Monkey decided to take quite a nap and we were late for the second time today. I can’t plan for what that kid will do, I don’t know why I even try.
Talking to Luke today about his day I could hear the stress and exhaustion in his voice, which is hard when it comes through the phone. How am I supposed to hug the stress out of him and feed him to squash the exhaustion?
My point is that rough days happen. Today did not go as planned but that does not mean that tomorrow won’t. Just because my pizza was not what I had planned does not mean that my pizza making days are over (although the recipients of my pizza-fail might wish that were the case). And even though Luke is feeling the stress of his job while working the night away in a hotel room in Indiana after working the day away in a conference room, I am sure that his day will be better when he can wake up in his own bed.
I guess I can’t guarantee that tomorrow will be better but for tonight at least I have chocolate.