Spring thought of as a rainy season, rainy right? Well, around here we are just as likely to have a snowy spring as a rainy spring. That’s Colorado for you, but I guess either way umbrellas are a handy thing to have around. In honor of rainy – or snowy – springtime we have an umbrella themed preschool letter U activity to share. U is for umbrella.
Materials needed to make U is for Umbrella
Construction paper
Hand drawn pictures or Magazine cutouts of umbrellas
Pipe cleaner cut in half (1 per kid making 2 pieces total)
Hand drawn raindrops
Masking tape
How to make U is for Umbrella Alphabet Page
Step 1. Draw both an upper and lowercase letter U on each sheet of construction paper. One pair per child.
Step 2. Using the crayons color in the letters and the umbrellas – if they were hand drawn. Depending on skill level either have the children cut out the umbrella and raindrop pictures or cut them out for them. As you can see above, I opted to cut out the raindrops because of their size but had the kids cut out their umbrellas after the colored them.
Step 3. Bend the bottom inch or so of each pipe cleaner around to form the rounded handle of the umbrellas. Tape one pipe cleaner to the back of each colored umbrella.
Step 4. Glue the umbrellas onto the Us almost as if they are holding the umbrellas to block the rain.
Step 5. Glue the raindrops into the page above the letter.
What is spring like where you live?