It may be a bit melodramatic but, I think the cabin is out to get us.
We generally spend about a weekend a month at Luke’s Family’s cabin through the summer. We love the cabin and usually the cabin loves us.
In June we loaded the car and made out way towards the cabin. After driving more than two hours we got stuck in the mud about 2 miles from the cabin, on what are normally fairly nice and easy dirt roads.
This past weekend we made our second trek to the cabin. We loaded up and headed out Friday afternoon hoping to get as much time up there this weekend as possible before we came home on Sunday to take Maddy to the fireworks. Maddy’s nose had started running like mad on Friday morning, but since Luke was having allergy troubles also we figured Maddy was too.
We were wrong.
By the time we got to the cabin she was still in good spirits,but obviously exhausted even though she had slept a good portion of the drive up. It didn’t take long for her waterfall of a runny nose to get the best of her and her mood quickly deteriorated. She was so tired and her nose was driving her so crazy that she actually asked to go to bed before we had even finished plating up our food for dinner.
Luke and I put her to bed and then stayed outside talking and relaxing by the fire as usual for a couple of hours. When we went into the tiny one room cabin to get ready for bed Maddy woke up. The rest of the night is a blur of Maddy crying, lots of snot, a slight fever and Luke and I taking turns sleeping with her. Altogether she may have slept 4 or 5 hours that night. We are spoiled. Maddy has slept through the night since she was 2 months old and she has woken in the night very very infrequently. Friday night was a rough night for this sleep loving mama.
Saturday Maddy napped several times and in between naps she showed her dislike for the fountain of snot and her now sore nose by generally fussing and whining constantly. We decided to stay at the cabin because we knew there wasn’t anything more for her we could do for her at home and even though she was sick and not loving it, she was happy to be at the cabin. Saturday night was, better. Slightly. I only woke up with her 6 times through the night.
Needless to say this trip to the cabin was less than perfect. We still had fun, and even got a hike in but the amount if snot we battled was a bit of a downer.
Top top off the weekend Luke started feeling sick Sunday afternoon and spent yesterday passed out on the couch with a fever and today coughing and naping on and off.
I’ve been going about my day mumbling under my breath, I will not get sick. I will not get sick. I will not get sick.
This just in, this afternoon my nose started running. I’m still repeating it though. I will not get sick, I will not get sick, I will not get sick.
Maybe next time we go to the cabin it will be less eventful. Also less snotty. Maybe more restful?
That stinks!
Leave it to the snot to ruin everything.
And you totally will NOT get sick!!!!!!
[…] The Cabin is Out to Get Us | Evolving Mommy […]
I’m so sorry about your snot issues, but all I could think about while reading this is “Luke’s family has a cabin? How cool is that?!”
It is cool. It is a tiny one room cabin that is about 100 years old. It has a little out house out back and huge old cast iron wood burning stove. I *love* it.
Okay, if I am ever on the lam, I’m definitely going to hit you up for using that cabin.
Or if I just find myself in need of a vacation in CO.
I am so sorry you guys got sick during your cabin trip! That does not sound fun. Nate has either had allergies or coming down with a cold. I hope it doesn’t spread around our house. Wyn has swimmer’s ear and started anitbiotic ear drops today so that is enough sickness for me!
Love ya!