As a parent some days are challenging. Those days make you yell or cry or feel so overworked you can’t imagine things being harder. We’ve all been there. I’ve been there.…
Evolving Motherhood
Evolving MotherhoodLife
Her First Day and I Didn’t Cry (although I might have felt like it once or twice)
by Catherine January 3, 2012Last night we set up Maddy’s brand new alarm clock. What use does a four year old have for an alarm clock? Several actually. We’ve been working with Maddy for…
Evolving MotherhoodQuestion of the Week
‘Tis Better To Give Than Receive – A Question Of The Week
by Catherine December 19, 2011The holiday season is here and in full swing. With this magical time of year there are generally presents. Lots and lots of presents. Bows and baubles. Ribbons and paper.…
Evolving Motherhood
Four is hard but not for the reasons you are probably thinking…
by Catherine October 12, 2011Four. The number four packs a punch. Madeline turned four recently and it hit me harder than previous birthdays. With one, two and three I remember feeling surprise as to…
Sometimes change is scary. Sometimes it’s exciting. Sometimes it is a little of both. I’m not exactly sure how or why or what, but I have a feeling some changes…
There are not a lot of things that cause me to lug out and step up on my soap box around here. I’m just not one to lecture or assume…
The other night while out at an event a few friends and I got into a discussion about marriage. The question posed was this: “What will you tell your daughter,…