I borrowed this idea from Heather of the EO. I read her post of must reads and thought to myself that I should share some of my very favorites. So…
Evolving Motherhood
Can you remember what yummy things you ate this week? Weeks go by so quickly. It is so easy to forget what I did the day before let alone what…
Rock out! For more ATWT, visit Jen
An ultimate test of my willpower is having me walk into a bookstore with my wallet. I love books. Love them. I love the stories and information that a book…
I woke up this morning to gray skies and rain. The ground is soaked and the air is cold. Generally that is not what people look forward to waking up…
It always seems like weekends fly by in the summer. There are Bar-B-Ques to attend, graduation parties, farmers markets, yard work and the occasional camping trip. Camping. Luke’s family has…
My future just flashed before my eyes. I can hear it now: “Mom! I’m going to meet Nadine and Grace at the mall, call my Elmo cell phone if you…