I’ve been dreaming about buttoning and zipping my pants for a while. I’ve gotten there with a few pairs of my pre-pregnancy pants but I’ve tried to not get…
Evolving Health
There are not a lot of things that cause me to lug out and step up on my soap box around here. I’m just not one to lecture or assume…
I have a membership to a gym. Well sort of. Right now that membership is on hold. Maddy and I just weren’t going. I was paying for a membership and…
Evolving HealthEvolving Motherhood
Why My Morning Workouts are Getting Tough
by Catherine September 10, 2010And it’s not for the reason you’re guessing. In the past 5 years of marriage Luke and I have changed our workout schedules and routines so many times we could…
I got up early this morning and went to the gym. I like working out in the mornings. I also like sleeping. These two interests of mine don’t really mesh…
I haven’t been to the gym since last Friday. I get all amped up and go to the gym 4 or 5 times a week for a few weeks just…
Evolving HealthEvolving Motherhood
5 Little Things I Love About Early Workouts
by Catherine March 28, 20105 little reasons I love getting to the gym early in the morning. I have been working on changing my pattern from night owl to early bird in the last…